Well hello every One and welcome to the Universe City Play House Main Stage, thank You kindly for being here, Your Presence is a Gift to My Theatre Company.
We are still in the midst of the Opening Ceremonies and We are still cautiously optimistic that all of this is just some crazy misunderstanding because We always trying to Give State Actors the benefit of the doubt, and the presumption of innocence. Unfortunately, the only presumptions We’ve been able to make so far is the presumption of incompetence for criminal malfeasance causing harm. Sadly, there isn’t anything innocent about Willful trespass upon a Trust obligate-Sean; the only explanation is gross criminal malfeasance and incompetence causing harm, or gross criminal malfeasance with malicious intent.
There is no question whether or not the Ontario Superior Courts are trespassing upon My Trust Instrument and Trust obligations, the only question is whether or not the continuous, criminal trespasses are being done with malicious intent.
At some point, gross incompetence becomes indistinguishable from malice.
Unknown (but not mine)
Is it possible to be this incompetent? I mean, maybe a few clerks at the Courthouse might not be the brightest bulbs on the proverbial Christ-Mass tree, but surely not ALL court clerks are completely ignorant of the Trustee Act of Ontario?
Keep in Mind, every agent of government, every ‘State Actor’ is a Trustee! One would be thing King that the Trustee Act of Ontario might be the one document every single Trusted public servant Will be required to know back to front, inside out, forward and backward before they can even Act as a Trusted Public servant! Maybe that should be part of the Oath taking Ceremonies for State Actors in any position. That would certainly help, I’m sure. I offered to teach the entire Ottawa Courthouse staff Trust Law if they Wish, but they haven’t taken Me up on the offer yet!

Although We still haven’t received any direct answers, and although it sounds like Jove Ponniah is attempting to Give Me the run around again, telling Me to send the email request to the Toronto Civil Intake office… Well, that’s where our first Notice was sent last Friday!!! Again, demonstrating their own incompetence and chaotic, disorganized filing system. All these Rules they insist on and what do they accomplish? A Certificate that no One can find any Record of on the Registry, and Courts that can’t find Claims filed with their Court, even with the exact CV number and a screenshot showing the claims on the public Record!
(Didn’t I tell You that You might have to suspend disbelief to believe this is really happening?)
We sent the Notice to every email address We have at the Toronto Court We have been directed to contact so far to receive information about these claims waiting to proceed. What I am as King of Jove to do literally takes less than thirty seconds to accomplish. All he has to do is type the numbers into the directory at the Courthouse, and the directory Will have the contact information of the Claimants.
He doesn’t Wish to Give Me the information for whatever reason, and trying to make all kinds of excuses to withhold the information. I know this because I’ve watched a clerk do it in real time while in a hearing with him (Derrick Bert who Will also be in the Show later). Any clerk can look up the claim, find out exactly where the Claim was filed, and provide Me with the contact information for the creditors.
They don’t want to because it exposes My sister’s fraud and they are conspiring with My siblings! That simple.
But having a name is Promising! In My experiences so far, People only gaslight Me until they are the next in line to be placed on Notice. Jove Ponniah Will have a very simple choice. He Will put Me in contact with the creditors, or he Will be fully liable as the representative of the Crown I am Trusting to resolve this Issue. I’ve looked at his resume, he knows how to get Me in touch with these creditors if he Wishes to – any suggestion otherwise is an attempt to gaslight Me and Will not be warmly received.
So We are remaining cautiously optimistic, and Jove was as King of Me to make sure I send future emails to the correct email. I’ve had both the Civil Estates intake office tell Me that’s the wrong office and needs to be sent to the Estates intake email, the Estates intake email sends Me back to Civil or Bracebridge. Bracebridge Issued the fraudulent Certificate, so they just hang up on Me and the manager won’t answer My calls, or respond to messages left in her voice mailbox.
That’s Carrie Thompson, she’ll be starring in the Show, too. We’ll get every One up here eventually depending on how long these clowns continue to make a spectacle of their Self. But now that We have Jove as a contact, he can accept full liability for ALL the harm done to Me because all the harm done is by agents of the Crown. When one or more parties are liable, they are each jointly and severally liable, meaning I can charge one party for the whole shebang and that party can go and collect from all his co-conspirators. So We’ll hold Jove accountable for the full commercial Value of the Claim which We are calling $300,000,000.00 even (if he doesn’t put Us in touch with the creditors).

It’s getting exciting, People. When I looked up Jove Ponniah and discovered his Title is associate Attorney General, I became very cautiously optimistic. This is the boss – at least for this Court!!! So they directed the email to the correct level of authority. That’s a Good start! He’s also been styling My name properly, so he’s Minding his proverbial ‘p’s and q’s. 😉
Can You believe these are just the Opening Ceremonies?! Oh, just wait until We really get started!!!