Hello every One and welcome to a very Dramatic final Scene for the Second Act of ‘Tiffany, Tanja, Michael, and the Magnificent Estate Fraud Conspiracy’ on the Main Stage of Our Universe City Play House Theatre, thank King or Queen You for

Hello every One, and welcome to the third Scene of Act II in ‘Tiffany, Tanja, Michael, and the Magnificent Estate Fraud Conspiracy’, thank King or Queen You for Your Presence. Today We once again have Jove Ponniah, Supervisor for the Toronto Superior

Welcome to the Magical Monday Motive a Sean at the Universe City Play House Theatre. These Characters are Truly something out of Real Life Fantasy fiction. Doesn’t this lady look so Trust-worthy and professional? No Way a lady like this would serve

Hello every One and welcome to the first Scene of the Second Act in ‘The Story of Tiffany, Tanja, Michael and the Magnificent Estate Fraud Conspiracy’, and what a Fabulous Present a Sean We’ve had so far!!! The Plot, like a simmering

Corruption in Canada’s Courts Jove Ponniah Toronto Supervisor

Francesca ‘the Fraudster’ Nosotti were advised this morning that if I do not receive a reply today, I Will presume that Jaipreet ‘the Jailbird’ Nanra Wishes to support and endorse Nital’s contempt, moral bankruptcy and criminal conduct,

Hello every One and welcome to the latest Scene on the Main Stage of this Universe City Play House Theatre Product Sean, Your Presence is the most Valuable Gift One could Present. Today Will be a very short Scene for Act I,

Nital ‘the Ghost’ Gosai and her criminal enterprise of liars posing as lawyers at Gosai Law

Or should it be ‘Gosai Law, Crime in All Casting Call?’, as they seem to have their Hands in a lot a criminal enterprises for trespass, fraud, criminal

Hello every One and welcome to a Special, Magical ‘Son’ Day Matinee. I Call it ‘Son’ day as it is a day for Honouring both My late, biological father, as well as My True Father in Heaven. I Honour My Father in